We Prayed for You

We Prayed for You

  Written by: Jasmine DePalmo To the tearful woman sitting in the restroom gripping a positive test. We prayed for you. To the teen counting on her cycle as the school day marches on. We prayed for you. To the young lady elated to tell her husband the news. We...
Empowering Women to Do Both

Empowering Women to Do Both

  Written by: Lindsay Langhals What costs over 1.7 trillion dollars and grows faster than the United States economy? American student loan debt. A public university student, on average, will borrow over 30,000 dollars just to attain a bachelor’s degree. Affording...
What is Your Why?

What is Your Why?

  Written by: Meg Carnahan My name is Meg Carnahan, and I have the honor of holding the position of director of the Women’s Centers of Ohio through Elizabeth’s New Life Center.  Throughout my seven years with Elizabeth’s New Life Center I have had the opportunity...
Be Intentional

Be Intentional

  Written by: Keisha Mitchell Each and everyday you spend a couple of dollars within a 24-hour period without giving it a second thought. From buying a hot cup of coffee on your way to work to sliding your credit card into the vending machine for a midday snack,...